Carlo Niño G. Anay

The Bully
                Me? I am just normal teenagers who always make fun bullying my classmates and doing foolish things, because my life is so boring but I am not really that wicked, I just want to run from the pain I couldn’t run of. My name is Stylenskie Mcall just call me styles. Here I am to share how those two girls flipped my life upside down.
 I’ve change because of that amorous feeling, yeah, it is because of love. There is a girl that I love named Jessica who broke my heart and leaved a deep wound that no one could heal it. A miserable past that I really do not want to remember and the reason why I am living in vain.  By each day that I had lived, I thought my struggle will be over, a day that can derived me from the heart aches but every time I remembered her name is still the same, those memories keep rewinding in my head and I thought that I am drowning and could never move on. At first, it seems like there is no end of being in love, I thought that I found the right girl that who I assumed to be my partner forever, I am so happy when she said that she loved the way I do, happiness filled me to the point that I gave her everything that I could ever had such as time, effort, attention, care, affection, and never did I turned my head to other girls, all I had offer her was the pure love but she didn’t reciprocate the affection towards me. I always showed her how grateful  I am to have her but, it seems like I lived in my own reverie yet she had replaced me without knowing that she already find someone that satisfies her way of romance, I am just a fool not knowing that my beloved was already had commitment with another guy, never in my mind triggers to think that she will have the urge to leave me because I gave her all that I can and gratifies her with the things which I thought she deserved, but for her I am just a someone who turned out madly in love for her, she left me woefully broken to which she infer that her attention and love was not for me and I didn’t even earn her heart , it hurts me so badly that all I can think of was to end up my life just to stop the depression that I had dealt with, for the effort which I think the way to preserved our relationship for the future was wrecked . To forget those memories I divert myself in bullying my classmates.
I always make fun of them, sometimes, I make someone cry because of my rebellious acts and some of them took revenge on me but they always failed to beat me up and some of them ended up as my slaves and do all the things that I want them to do. Doing those things content me a lot and even forgot those cast down memories of mine, I felt revived but just for temporary aware of nothing can be permanent, those memories will be back again. I made myself worst to the point that someone had reported my vicious actions to the dean and our adviser gave a memo that I am expected to show my face to the dean’s office. Not having any choice I went there with the escort of my adviser, and there I was informed by the dean that I am nearly to be kicked out from the school, to give me another chance, I must go under disciplinary action, and my adviser additionally suggested that I should do it with a partner and it must be a girl from our class having  a strong personality with a perfect morality so that the disciplinary action will be effective, the adviser think that it is better for me to go back to my own self again.
The next morning I was so timid to go to our school. Luckily my adviser announced to the class about my punishment and that was not a great move since I felt that I was humiliated. What kind of girl who would think to help a bully like me? I am thinking of that big fat ugly heartless who look like a witch at the end of the row. She was the only one that I always bullied because of her not so good appearance and I think that’s a good opportunity for her to take revenge to me because the dean will expel me if I fight back.

I am already late and I slowly open the door peeping my sit and see the girl I assumed that will be my disciplinarian then i open the door and go to my assigned seat, the professor at that day is our adviser, after the roll calling of the attendance she started on looking for who will be my disciplinarian, and it made me freaked out because of my nervousness. But then, the named called Alison suddenly raised her hand. That girl is the only one that I never bully because of her good looks and wonderful personality; she was the daughter of the dean and the most intelligent in our class that made her always in the top. And she will the one who will bring back me to life


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