Manfred Paspie

                 Multilingual World-Wide Services (BPO Company)

Date: January 27, 2017
To: All Supervisor’s, Supports and Customer Service Representatives
From: Board of Directors and Clients
Subjects: Maintaining a strong security of customers account information from Social Engineering
and Phishing

Recently we observed that a lot of customers and subscribers that has SPRIS STARS as their service provider called in to report about their emails and accounts that can’t be accessed and suspected that might been hacked. As observed upon listening for some calls; care agents easily provide information from accounts pulled up whenever callers ask for it. This behaviour has been observed and has been suspected for the cause of breached.

Moving forward, supervisors and support should conduct further and follow up training with regards to the security of customers account. Always make sure to strongly execute the correct process of authenticating the account before disclosing information whoever the caller maybe. That way we can secure the account information of our customers and continue having their trust to our company.


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