The One I love

Maria is the youngest daughter of Cruz family. Cruz family are popular to the City where they live. Maria’s mother and father finished their tertiary level of education at the USA with a degree of Nursing and they are working right now at the place where they graduated.

When Maria is already in college she decided to enrol the course of Accountancy at the Ateneo de Manila University. She love’s Mathematics and reading books that’s why she chose Accountancy, But before she can enrol it she needs to pass the qualification examination and she did it. Maria is now 17 yrs. Old but she have no boyfriend because she so shy and she preferred to be alone, she have a car and she’s using it when she go to school.

One day when she’s driving her own car Maria realized why she still don’t have a boyfriend and she decided to have a relationship that may inspire her while she’s studying. Two months after the class start she met Andrew, They are classmate in all subject, it is the reason why they are closed to each other. Andrew is a handsome and a white tall man, He is also a rich kid because he is a son of an Attorney. When 3 months goes by Maria and Andrew fall in love to each other and they admit that the feeling they have now is a true love.

After one year of being in a relationship Maria and  Andrew shared a lot of love and memories, they also introduce each one of them  to their family. They visited Baguio City to celebrate their first year anniversary together with friends. They come back to Manila after 3 days of staying to there and go back to the reality that they need to finished studying. Its 10 months after they celebrate their anniversary they visited again the place of Baguio together and they talk about their future after they finished studying.

Their second anniversary is near approaching but during the month of March Maria need to go to Boracay for a family reunion, Andrew get sad but she make a promise that they celebrate their second anniversary together on March 19. After a week ago its already March 19 and It is the day of their second anniversary. At 1AM Maria texted Andrew that she’s on her way home but she still at Boracay area  waiting for her flight.  Maria did not get any response from her boyfriend and she think that her boyfriend now is still sleeping but Andrew is wide awake, After he read the message he prepared his self also his car to surprise his girlfriend at the airport. Its 1:30 AM March 19 Andrew in on his way to the airport it is a rainy morning but he need to do it for him to surprise his girlfriend which he didn’t see for almost a week. When Andrew is driving his car he feel so sleepy because its still to early, after 30 minutes of driving Andrews car hit by a 10 wheeler truck which he encounter crossroad. Andrew full of blood to his body but particularly to his head, An a hour ago a rescue team from 112 arrived at the accident area and they check the body of the victim (Andrew) and he still breathing after they test it they declared that the victim is died on the spot at exactly 3:03 O’clock in the morning ( March 19).

Maria updated again Andrew that she’s right now at the airport already, she ride a taxi to go home she was so tired from traveling that’s why she take a nap in the taxi but after an a hour  she get awake because of the heavy traffic. The taxi driver told Maria that maybe there’s an accident ahead, when they near to the accident area she saw a car that’s look familiar to her, she ignore it because Andrew is still sleeping this time. Maria arrived at their home at exactly 4:00AM her phone is ringing and its Andrews incoming call, she answer it even if she’s tired from traveling she hear a girls voice saying that “this is from 112 rescue team if you know Andrew please come to the hospital because Andrew encountered an accident and declared died on the spot.

Maria cry and cry and shout the name of her boyfriend (Andrew), when she arrived already at the hospital the tears in her eyes is uncontrollable because she saw her boyfriend cover with his own blood and as white like a snow. Maria shout too loud and crying asking Andrew why its happen supposed to be his at home sleeping but she didn’t received any response because Andrew I died already. It is the very sad day for Maria and to the family of Andrew they mourn everyday because they can’t still accept the thing happened to Andrew. Maria can’t stop crying everyetime she remember that they shared to each other, its very hard for her  to accept  this matter but she needs to, because the life of the people depends on our creator.


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