Love Story

 Francis Louie Tumanda                               

                              BASKETBALL STARS

        Jenny is an honor student in one of the prestigious schools in Butuan City. Aside from that she is also a member of the SSG in their campus. She is also the varsity captain of the girls basketball team in their school. She really loves basketball that it makes her hobby after class. Thats her daily life until one day her mother Ana talked to her.

Mother :   Jenny I'm so sorry but we need you to transfer on another school because we don't have a                    house to stay here in Butuan. We will stay in your Lola's pad in Davao.
Jenny   :   But mom, what about my studies ? What about my team in basketball ?

Mother :   Dont worry about your studies you can still continue in Davao after this semester. 

Jenny   :   Is there a basketball team for girls in the Universities there ? 

Mother :   Im not so sure about it.

       After the semester  just like her mother said Jenny and her mother went to Davao to stay at their Lola's pad and continue her studies there. She continued her studies in University of Mindanao. She was so excited to see a basketball court after successfully enrolling herself in the said University. She ask the students their if they have a girls team for basketball but sadly she found out that there is no such thing in the campus. Also the students said that it is not allowed to make a girls team for basketball. She went home so sad thinking she could not play again. As she continues to study there she saw boys playing basketball on the court. She really wants to play basketball. So one time, an idea came to her mind to dress like a boy and cut her hair for her to look like a boy and for her to play basketball. With the help of friends she was able to make herself look like a boy and she named herself Aljen. Jenny now successfuly joined the team because of her skills and talent in basketball. She was one their star players on the team.

       After becoming a part of the basketball team. Jenny meet this guy named Harold who is their captain. She was shocked to see how handsome their captain was but she need to act like shes not affected and formal because she is now considered as Aljen. She dont want to ruin her dreams just because of Harold. Days passed their team are starting to practice regularly because the UAAP is coming. Their coach assigned 2 boys per room on their school. Harold and Jenny became roommates as said by their coach since they  are their star players. She hesitate at first but later on she accepted it like a man should do. One night after a tiring practice Jenny and Harold went to their room and they talked about basketball. Days passed Jenny and Harold became close friends without knowing the fact that Jenny is a girl. Weeks and months passed they are now on semi-finals and they successfully defeated the FEU Tamarraws and they are heading to the finals. One night before the final game with Ateneo Jenny talked to Harold in private and she told Harold the truth about her and the reason why she joined the team. Harold was shocked at first but later on he absorbs the truth. Jenny told Harold to keep it as a secret until the final game ends because she still wants to play. She want to win the game with their teammates. On the day of the finals, Jenny played at her best together with her teammates and Harold. Even though the game was hard they successfully defeated the undefeated champions Ateneo with Jenny as the star player because of her marvelous play. They were so happy that they are now the champions.

       They continued their celebration in Harold's pad together with their team. While Jenny is busy talking to her teammates she is not aware that Harold has a surprise for her. Harold told his teammates about the truth on Jenny. At first his teammates did not believe him but later on they was persuaded by Harold. A few moments later Jenny was clueless her team knowing the truth. Her teammates began forming a circle with her as the center. She was shocked and asked herself what are they doing. Suddenly Harold came out of nowhere with a flower in his hand and a ring box. She doesnt know what to do so she just stared at Harold.

Harold :    Jenny I already told our teammates about the truth after the championship game. Thank
                  you so much for bringing us the championship. You know as time goes by Im starting to
                  fall for you I thought im a gay but when you told me the truth the feelings even grow more
                  You know what i mean right. Will you be my girl Jenny ?

       Jenny was shocked and tears began to fall as she embraces Harold who is waiting for her answer and she happily nod to Harold as a sign that she says Yes to him. Harold was so happy and all of their team celebrated their championship and the start of the journey of the basketball stars on their team.


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